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[8GF]≡ Libro The SmallMart Revolution How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition Michael H Shuman 9781576754665 Books

The SmallMart Revolution How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition Michael H Shuman 9781576754665 Books

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The SmallMart Revolution How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition Michael H Shuman 9781576754665 Books

Read The SmallMart Revolution How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition Michael H Shuman 9781576754665 Books

Tags : The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition [Michael H. Shuman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bigger isn’t always better. Contrary to popular belief, small, locally owned businesses often out-perform their “big box” and Fortune 500 competition—both in outright profitability and the value they bring to consumers,Michael H. Shuman,The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition,Berrett-Koehler Publishers,1576754669,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Economics Theory,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Small Business,BUSINESS, SMALL BUSINESS, SUCCESS,Business & Economics,Business & EconomicsIndustries - General,Business & EconomicsSmall Business - General,Business Economics Finance,BusinessEconomics,Economics - Theory,GENERAL,Industries - General,Non-Fiction,Small Business - General,Small businesses & self-employed,economics;business;money;strategy;business books;economy;entrepreneurship;philosophy;entrepreneur;behavioral economics;economics books;business plan;small business;entrepreneur books;bookkeeping;small business books;entrepreneur gifts;finance;investing;management;marketing;capitalism;innovation;technology;trading;leadership;work;sociology;globalization;internet;investment;macroeconomics;business management;management books;culture;sales;psychology;biography;financial;wall street,BUSINESS; SMALL BUSINESS; economics; business books; money; entrepreneurship; business plan; finance; wealth; economy; business economics; business finance; psychology; sociology; capitalism; society; investing; macroeconomics; culture; globalization; management; work; philosophy; innovation; strategy; technology; marketing; internet; leadership; collection; judaica; environment; business management; financial; biography; inflation; career; labor; entrepreneur; mba; investment; social; wall street; economic; trading; self help; sales,Small businesses & self-employed

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